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The European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme and the Government of India have decided to co-fund seven outstanding projects to co-create, co-design and co-develop innovative low-cost technologies for tackling India’s water and sanitation. These projects have been working jointly for the past year and a half to address comprehensively water pollution challenges. 


On the 7th June 2023, India-H2O presented at a joint webinar with six other EU-India Water projects (Pani Water, Lotus, Pavitra Ganga, Pavitr, Spring and Saraswati) during the European Green Week 2023 online conference. 

The webinar started with a keynote presentation from Anshuman, director at The Energy and Resources Institute in India and project co-coordinator of Pavitra Ganga. The theme of his presentation was 'Enhancing stakeholders' capacities and skills to facilitate zero water pollution in India'.

The keynote was followed by presentations of all India-EU Water projects. After these presentations, a panel discussion took place with all project representatives and moderated by Dr. Giulio Pattanaro from European Research Executive Agency (REA). Paul Campling, project coordinator of Pavitra Ganga brought a wrap up of project presentations with an overview of highlights and take-home messages.


Relive the event in our webinar video:




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Webinar Presentations


Keynote - Enhancing stakeholders' capacities and skills to facilitate zero water pollution in India?




High Recovery Desalination with a multidisciplinary approach to achieve zero liquid discharge”

 Anurag Mudgal, INDIA H2O 



Technology transfer and capacity building to support water quality management and water resources management in India

Bérengère Lebental & Senthilmurugan Subbiah, LOTUS



Advanced oxidative wastewater technologies for the removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria, genes & emerging contaminants” 

Rita Dhadapkar & Kevin McGuigan, PANI-WATER



Natural & Advanced Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in India ​- Engagement strategies 

Mirko Hänel, PAVITR



“Sustainability of decentralised wastewater treatment and reuse systems

Markus Starkl & Makarand Ghangrekar, SARASWATI




“Capacity Building Activities in Wastewater Treatment and Management

Rajnish Calay, SPRING




“Actions to develop the Pavitra Ganga Technology and Learning Network



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820906.  This project has been co-funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.

© 2019 INDIA-H2O

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